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What Tea Gives You Energy?

Posted by Morgan Cornell on

What Tea Gives You Energy?

What Tea Gives You Energy?

Health and fitness continue to be some of the most popularly discussed subjects worldwide, especially during the current global crisis. Typically, our general wellbeing depends on our bodies’ ability to produce and absorb enough energy. This is because the metabolic processes of the body require adequate body fuel to function as needed. All the activities that we engage in, including sleeping, require energy. The only difference is that energy needs differ depending on activity, gender, age, and health status, to mention a few. The primary source of energy is glucose, which is the simplest form of carbohydrates. Our body absorbs glucose multiple times a day from the food that we consume. However, it is vital that we still find other ways to boost our energy levels. For that reason, nutritionists and other health professionals keep developing intervention strategies that improve health through increasing body fuel. Some of the commonly discussed strategies include exercise, dieting, adequate hydration, and practicing healthy lifestyle habits, among others. Our article aims to discuss the benefits of tea regarding energy boosting.

Tea and Energy

How Does Tea Relate to Energy Boost?

Most people have tea in the morning and before bed, mainly because it is a routine. Others use tea as a mind and body relaxer because most teas contain a compound known as l-theanine, which has calming and relaxing properties. While people have been having tea for centuries, many may have no idea of all its health benefits. Are you looking for ways to perform all your daily tasks without fatigue? Well, taking tea with certain ingredients may be one of your ultimate solutions. According to evidence-based research, the following as some of the most beneficial teas concerning energy and other health-related advantages.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is one of the most ancient spices in the world. To date, many people use ginger for a variety of health benefits. Proven scientific research reveals that ginger has approximately 400 active compounds. Perhaps, this is the reason ginger aids in the cure and prevention of many ailments. The main compounds of ginger are carbohydrates (70%), lipids (8%), phenolic compounds, and terpenes. As mentioned earlier, carbohydrates are the primary natural energy provision sources in the human body. With 50-70% of carbohydrates, ginger tea is one marvelous fluid to start your day. Lipids function as energy reserves of the body. Therefore, coupled with carbohydrates, it is unlikely that you will experience daytime fatigue if taking ginger tea is part of your lifestyle routine. Terpenes are compounds that improve one’s mood and relieve stress, thus enhancing energy levels. Health experts prove that phenolic compounds play a significant role in detoxification and improving brain function. All the compounds in ginger plants perform different tasks that promote adequate energy absorption. In conjunction with that, accumulated scientific evidence shows that ginger’s active compounds also suppress the growth of skin, colon, pancreatic, brain, breast, cervical, liver, gastric, and prostate cancer cells.

Green Tea

There are many reasons the demand for green tea in the market continues to rise. Similar to ginger tea, green tea comes with multiple health benefits. This is also an ancient natural remedy for several health complications. The United States Department of Agriculture reports that in the year 2019, the green tea market size was $12.80 billion. 2020 saw a robust increase in green tea market demand amid the coronavirus pandemic as the figure escalated to $19.90 billion. The primary reason behind this was the need to suppress COVID-19 infections. Business forecasts state that by 2027, the green tea market size will surpass $25.50 billion.

What is so special about green tea?
Green tea contains more than 200 active compounds and about 350 essential oils. Typically, species of green tea have varying components. Nevertheless, the primary active ingredients of green tea include carbohydrates in the form of polysaccharides, phenolic compounds, starch, proteins, fats, amino acids, minerals, and 2% caffeine. Polysaccharides and starch are significant sources of glucose, which is the body’s primary fuel. Despite being the body’s slowest source of energy, fats provide more calories than carbohydrates and proteins. Proteins are not the primary sources of power in the body, but they can fuel the body amid low carbohydrate levels. Since they play significant roles in most of the body’s metabolic processes, proteins also relate to energy requirements. Phenolic elements, on the other hand, enhance your focus by promoting healthy brain function. Minerals take part in metabolism regulation processes, thus keeping your energy in check. The bottom line remains that all the components found in green tea perform distinct functions to provide adequate energy to maintain good health. Undoubtedly, green tea is a spectacular coffee substitute. Often times, Energy Teas will contain green tea, as well as, other ingredients to not just increase energy, but to improve mental clarity and focus. Total Tea Energy Tea is a good example.

Chamomile Tea

Most folks recognize chamomile tea for its calming effect and sweet aroma. It is a centuries-old herbal tea consumed for its curative and preventive properties. According to research, chamomile comprises over 120 bioactive compounds, mainly terpenoids, flavonoids, and essential oils. Despite chamomile tea not having significant energy-boosting properties, it contains compounds that help relieve stress by preventing the production of a stress hormone (serotonin), enhancing the production of the feel-good hormone dopamine. Scientifically proven, the production of dopamine increases in the morning to make you alert. That said, chamomile tea indirectly enhances your energy by triggering the production of molecules that improve the body’s metabolism.

Moreover, drinking chamomile tea reduces the likeliness of insomnia and other sleep disorders. At night, dopamine levels decrease, which brings about feelings of relaxation and sleepiness. Following reliable studies, a good night's sleep is a significant factor concerning energy conservation and restoration.

How Does Sleep Relate to Energy?

During the day, we use a lot of energy in the form of glycogen. Therefore, the glycogen restoration process mainly takes place in our sleep. This is why sleep deprivation leads to fatigue in the morning. Hence, having chamomile tea before bedtime improves your sleeping pattern, thus enhancing glycogen restoration for the next day. Apart from that, chamomile composes some antioxidants that detoxify your body and regulate metabolic processes.

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