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What Drinks Are Best For Detoxifying?

Posted by Chad Bostwick on

What Drinks Are Best For Detoxifying?

Environmental pollutants such as heavy metals, preservatives, and pesticides have seen rampant intake of toxins into the body. If not contained, these toxins can lead to health problems, including headaches, constipation, bloating, fatigue, and skin problems.

Because of these toxins, it's becoming more important than ever to employ specific diet changes to enhance the body's detoxification process. Detox drinks are gaining much recognition for regulating toxins and providing various health benefits. These drinks have several health benefits, including weight loss, boosting metabolism, and aiding digestion.

But the question is not what these drinks can do but what they are. So, if you're beginning your detoxification process and don't know where to start, here are some detoxification drinks that you can try out.

Detox Water

Water is the first natural detoxifying drink available. If you are looking for a natural way to rejuvenate your body through detoxing, start with water before proceeding to any other detox drink. Water aids in promoting good digestion by dissolving any toxins from the body.

When you consume the required amount daily, you can drive away waste particles from your body in a simple but excellent way. Water uses the digestive tract to flush out harmful toxins from the body. As a bonus, water is natural and available anywhere, making it the easiest way to detox your body.

Lemon Water

If you are a fitness enthusiast who wants to shed off those extra kilos, then lemon water is the best solution. This type of detox drink is rich in pectin fiber, making it suitable for losing some weight. The importance of fiber gives you that feeling of fullness for a long time, hence delaying hunger.

Though water alone is good, you can also speed up the detoxification process and do away with toxins by squeezing a little bit of lemon juice into your glass of water. With a high concentration of antioxidants known as d-limonene, lemon juice helps break down toxins in the liver. There's also citric acid in lemon water, enabling it to improve absorption of aluminum hydroxide, a toxin-fighting molecule.

In addition, both lemons and limes contain antioxidant properties, which are an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients. Lemons also have vitamin c, which helps in reducing heart disease, anemia, digestive problems, kidney stones, and cancer. On the other hand, limes contain key nutrients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, B, C, and D.

Watermelon Mint Water

Are you considering slimming down, or do you want to lower your blood pressure and reduce your body mass index? Try to eat watermelon. This calorie-packed ingredient not only aids in these conditions but also helps you stay hydrated. How about its delicate and refreshing sweetness?

Watermelon can also curb your appetite plus improve your heart health. It's also packed with vitamins A, C, B1, B5, and B6, not forgetting potassium and magnesium. All these are good for body health and mind. What about combining watermelon with mint? This mixture can aid in digestion and weight loss.

Coconut Water Electrolyte Detox

Do you know that constipation can lead to uncomfortable bloating? Hydrating yourself can help you get your digestive system back to normal. And essential elements for hydration are electrolytes which you can get from coconut water, plus plenty of water. Coconut water also helps to cleanse toxins from your inner body. This includes the liver and intestinal tract, leaving you fresh most of the time.

All you need to do to get a sip of this detox drink is to add 4 ounces of hot green tea, mix in 8 ounces of coconut water, and then mix it with a healthy squirt of lemon juice. After that, add a few ice cubes, and there you have your heart's content.

Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice detox water is one of the best drinks for your body. Not only will it help you to lose weight, but it can also cure the flu and winter colds. It helps prevent a urinary tract infection, soothe inflammation from arthritis, improve circulation, and reduce kidney stone risk.

Cranberry juice is packed with nutrients that keep your heart healthy and lower cholesterol levels. It's also high in fiber and loaded with beneficial antioxidants that improve your skin's elasticity for a healthy glow.

Cranberry juice detox water is a tasty sweet-tart treat that you can enjoy any time of day. The cranberries are rich in vitamin C and complex B vitamins, while the apple provides natural sweetness and antioxidants to help fight disease.

Detox Teas

Tea is generally consumed as a healthy beverage. And a combination of green tea and other teas, along with herbs such as cinnamon and ginger, has many benefits for detoxification. Detox teas have many benefits to the body ranging from cleansing, removing toxins, boosting metabolism, and preventing bloating.

Since bloating takes place in the intestines, it's important to ensure your digestive system stays active. Just boil a cup of water and then add some green tea to rejuvenate your body. Detox teas contain antioxidants, thanks to green tea and different herbs. These ingredients help get rid of toxins from your body, thus leaving you with a healthier inside.

If you want a much tastier tea, you can try Total Tea Gentle Detox. It Is caffeine-free and highly supports healthy inflammation, better sleep, and other detoxification benefits. Try to include detox tea in your breakfast before stepping out to work to gain more energy and boost your metabolism. You can also drink the detox in the evening to cleanse your body and improve your digestion system.

Orange-Carrot Ginger Detox Drink

There are no better sources of antioxidants and vitamin c than oranges. When it comes to weight loss and digestion, carrots come to the rescue. They are loaded with beta-carotene and fibers.

If you’re experiencing bloating, digestion problems, and stomach cramps, consume ginger. Ginger is packed with anti-inflammatory properties, which are very important to the human body. Gingerol, a substance responsible for ginger's medical properties, helps prevent nausea and reduce muscle and menstrual pain.

What else do you need to prove that this mix can help eliminate toxins from your body? Try them and see the results for yourself.

Cinnamon and Honey Detox Drink

For those who face craving problems, remember that there's always a solution. Cinnamon does a great job of curbing such a situation and bringing out a new and healthy you. On the other hand, honey helps with boosting metabolism in the body.

Just mix a spoonful of honey and half a tablespoon of cinnamon in a glass of warm water, and you're set to go. You can get rid of that excess fat by using fresh lime as it aids in the fat-burning process.

Cucumber Detox Drink

A mixture of cucumber and mint doesn't only aid in flushing out toxins from the body but is also good to taste. When you add both combinations to water, they help in the digestion process. When it comes to beverages, cucumber contains low-calorie, nutrient, and vitamin-rich ingredients, just like any other important beverage.

Cucumber also contains a lot of water, enabling it to offer vitamin K and manganese. It also supplies the body with protein and fiber. Fiber helps in flushing toxins from the body, making it a good detoxifier. With its refreshing green and slightly bitter flavor, do not forget cucumber in your next detoxifying process.

Mint Detox Drink

Mint comes in different species, including peppermint and spearmint. Mint is found in various food and beverages across households. Adding mint into your detox drinks will help you get nutrients such as iron, manganese, and folate. Mint contains antioxidants and can help to improve brain function.

You can also get rid of bad breath and breastfeeding pain by consuming mint. Consuming mint can also help you mask indigestion problems and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, as well as the common cold.

Fruit and Vegetable Smoothies

Fruits contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. You cannot go wrong when you opt to detoxify using a fruit smoothie. If you need to get your aging skin back to a glowing complexion and feel good, then try a fruit smoothie.

In addition, vegetables can do a lot more to your body than just making you feel full. Vegetables are rich in vitamins and nutrients, making them ideal for good health. Drinking vegetable smoothies will aid your body in getting a lot of nutrients and vitamins even when you are on a diet.

It's best to maximize the nutrient content of fruits and vegetables by blending them into smoothies instead of eating them whole. By doing this, you can be sure that your body will get the maximum health benefits from them.

Get Started Today with Your Detox Drink

As you can see, these detox drinks have several ingredients, nutrients, vitamins, and micronutrients. With so many drinks to choose from, you can always find something to get you started in improving your health. One of the drinks you can try out is Total Tea Gentle Detox, which is perfect for recharging and rejuvenating your body.

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