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Detox Teas: This Is How to Detox Your Body With Tea

Posted by Morgan Cornell on

Detox Teas: This Is How to Detox Your Body With Tea

How should you go about cleansing your body with detox tea? Check out this helpful guide on the tea detox process to learn how to best detox your body.

Detox teas offer a number of incredible health benefits. Not only do they assist in the losing of weight and in the improvement of the immune system, but they can also help to increase mental alertness. 

Interested in undergoing a tea detox? Wondering how it's done? Then you're in the right place. 

Below, we're going to discuss the specifics of drinking detox teas, ensuring that you receive as much benefit as possible. 

The Tea Detox Process

The tea detox process is generally broken down into two components: the morning component and the evening component. We'll discuss the specifics of both components below. 

The Morning Component

The morning component of the detox process should involve the consumption of energy-boosting and appetite-suppressing teas. Drinking such teas upon waking up in the morning will put your body in the right mode to take on the rest of the day. It will prepare you for fruitful exercise and daily tasks, all the while inspiring you to avoid unnecessary foods. 

Examples of teas that are appropriate for morning consumption include our herbal energy tea and green tea, to name just two. Drink one or two cups of these teas in the mid-AM hours and your mind and body will be ready to go. 

The Evening Component

Whereas morning teas should suppress appetite and boost energy levels, evening teas should possess laxative qualities and induce a sense of calm. An example being our gentle detox tea and chamomile tea. Drinking such teas enables you to flush out your system at the end of the day, all the while easing you into a restful and peaceful sleep. 

Generally speaking, it's wise to consume these teas 1 to 2 hours before going to bed. 1 or 2 cups will do, though it wouldn't hurt to add a 3rd or even a 4th. 

Supplementing the Detox

A tea detox alone can reap decent results and help support your weight loss goals. However, if you want to get the most out of your detox, you'll have to supplement it with a few other activities. 

Staying Hydrated

Simply put, herbal tea is not a replacement for water. It might help boost your energy levels, but it won't hydrate you. As such, you should be supplementing your tea-drinking with water consumption all throughout each day. 

Generally speaking, it's recommended that you drink between 8 and 12 cups of water a day. Note, though, that this figure can vary based on your size. 

Getting Sufficient Rest

A tea detox can help ease you into a thorough and peaceful sleep. However, if that sleep is only lasting 4 to 6 hours, it's not really doing you much benefit. Put simply, you need to supplement your detox with sufficient rest. 

Typically speaking, it's recommended that you sleep 7 to 9 hours -- uninterrupted -- every night. Ideally, this sleep will occur at the same time every night, as a consistent sleep schedule promotes max efficiency within the body. 

Eating Right

A tea detox schedule must be accompanied by a healthy diet. If you're going to eat junk during your detox, you might as well not do it at all. Make sure to eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, and dairy (or appropriate substitutes). 

Interested in Buying Detox Teas?

Now that you know the specifics of a tea detox, you might be looking to invest in some detox tea. Are you? If so, you're in the right place. 

Here at Total Tea, we provide a variety of great-tasting natural herbal teas available for purchase, and we pay shipping on all U.S. orders!

Our teas include a variety of unique and beneficial herbal detoxing ingredients, such as echinacea, rosehip, ginger, peppermint, and chamomile, to name a few. Try some healthy new teas today!


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